The Invisible Woman

A serial novel.

Wednesday, June 05, 2002

Dear Betty:

It shouldn't be hard to do. You left me a couple of bottles of pills. The river is kind. The biggest problems will be wheeling the rocks down to the edge. How did Virginia Woolf do it? Her river must have been rockier.

It feels strange to stay, but it feels good to have a project. To have a destination again. I haven't really had one since Roy left me and took everything. I began making my lists today. Books to give away, clothing to donate, rooms to clean one last time. My mother warned me that I would end up like this. I wonder if I'll see her in hell, too.

Monday, June 03, 2002

Dear Betty:

Blink told me today that she wants to paint me.


I said yes. She seemed surprised. After all, by the time she is done, I will be gone.


Subject is at risk, we agree. But it is not the investigator's job to evaluate subject; only to track her.